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Italian trademark registered with WIPO which has its origins in Florence in the early post-war years. The founder is Gualtiero Ancillotti, son of Ernesto Ancillotti who had already opened a mechanical workshop in 1910. The first interventions of motorbike elaborations were immediately after World War II in the late 1940s on iconic American Harley Davidson motorcycles which were famous all over the world. During the period of liberation of Italy from Nazi fascism, the Americans had left in Florence (as in other cities) many two-wheeled vehicles, especially old or broken WLA Harley Davidson. Gualtiero Ancillotti with his father Ernesto successfully developed the Harley Davidson equipping them with innovative and new mechanical solutions in order to make the bikes less rigid to drive. In the 60s they successfully passed on to the elaboration of the Lambrettas Innocenti.
After the Monza World Records of 1965 and the two Elvington World Records of 1966, some official Lambrettas of the Ancillotti team were developed and transformed with the Ancillotti kits for Regularity races. The official drivers of the Ancillotti team were: Cozzi, Massai, Piero and Alberto Ancillotti. In the photo, a rare Lambretta in the curve developed by Official Ancillotti of the Ancillotti team, during an Endurance race.
The original wooden boxes in which the Ancillotti elaboration kits for Lambrette Innocenti were placed and shipped. The Ancillotti processing boxes were of three types: Standard with the Ancillotti Standard kit, Special with the Ancillotti Special Kit and Super Sport Special, this one could be ordered only by reservation and today it is almost impossible to find.
The Ancillotti elaboration kit of the Ancillotti Standard box allowed to enhance and increase to 200 c.c. displacement all standard Lambrettas Innocenti with horizontal cylinders of 125,150 and 175 c.c. displacement. The Ancillotti Standard box costed 30,000 Italian Lire and allowed to increase the speed to 115 km per hour. The Ancillotti Standard Processing Kit included clutch plates with their springs, an elaborate cylinder with a bore of 66 mm, a niche head to increase turbulence, a processed piston with its segments, a pin with the relative retaining rings, fuel line for 20 SHI carburettor, a series of seals, fake links to lengthen the chain, a reinforced chain tensioner, engine pinions from 14 to 21 teeth. To obtain maximum performance with the Standard Ancillotti kit, it was necessary to adopt the Lambretta Special 150 exhaust assembly and, as mentioned earlier, the Dellorto SHI 20 carburettor. There were few details that revealed the modification with the Ancillotti kit of the Standard box.
A very rare image of the "Special" Ancillotti Box which contained the Ancillotti processing kit for Lambretta scooters. This Ancillotti elaboration modified the displacement of the standard models of the Lambretta scooters 125 c.c., 150 c.c. and 175 c.c. at 200 c.c . Of course, Ancillotti's processing was performed on engines in excellent mechanical condition, without the leakage of oil and air both from the transmission side and from the flywheel magnet side. The Ancillotti Special processing box costed 60,000 Italian Lire at the time.
The Ancillotti processing kit of the Special Ancillotti box costed 60,000 Italian Lire and allowed to reach the speed of 130 km per hour. The Ancillotti special processing kit included: clutch plates with their springs, an elaborate cylinder with a bore of 66 mm, a niche head to increase turbulence, a processed piston with its segments, a pin with the relative retaining rings, fake links to lengthen the chain, a reinforced chain tensioner, engine pinions from 14 to 21 teeth, the Dellorto SS 30 A carburettor with its series of seals and an Ancillotti patent exhaust system with 49 mm tube and Ancillotti expansion muffler. The Ancillotti muffler and the exhaust fitting could be sold by the Ancillotti Company separated from the Ancillotti box.
The unobtainable third box! The Ancillotti elaboration kit named “Super Special Ancillotti” cassette was only on request for the most demanding and reckless pilots. The Super Special kit raised the engine capacity of the Lambretta to 250 c.c. and offered a top speed of over 140 km / h. The cost of this sport version was 90,000 Italian Lire.
The Ancillotti Mechanical Workshop in Florence specialized in preparing Lambretta motorcycles and scooters for competitive performances. Ancillotti had brought together its most demanding, sporty and fashionable customers under the banner of the Ancillotti team. The Lambretta models on which Ancillotti could work were the LI 125 c.c., the LI 150 c.c. and the 175 TV of the first, second and third series. The Ancillotti elaborations consisted of modifying the cylinder discharge port inwards, widening the port 1.5 mm and raising the upper horizontal side by 2 mm at the beginning of the discharge.
View of the right side of the 1966 Lambretta Innocenti designed by Ancillotti. The Lambretta of the photo was modified with the Special Ancillotti box kit. The Special version of the Ancillotti elaboration kit differs from the version of the Ancillotti Standard kit for the voluminous muffler and for the lowered sport type saddle also produced by the Ancillotti Company and sold separately from the Special Ancillotti cassette kit.
A close look on the right side without fairing of the 1966 Lambretta Innocenti designed by Ancillotti with the processing kit of the Special Ancillotti box.
Notice the bulky Ancillotti muffler and the sporty saddle with the driving position lowered by a few centimeters compared to the standard one provided by the company Innocenti, all to the advantage of air penetration, without however compromising on comfort.
View of the left side of the 1966 Lambretta Innocenti designed by Ancillotti. It is the version transformed with the kit of the Special Ancillotti box which could be recognized for the little empty space on the left side in order to make the tremendous 30mm Dellorto SS carburettor “breathe” better. The displacement of the model in the photo was brought up to 200 cc.
A close look on the left side without the fairing of the 1966 Lambretta Innocenti designed by Ancillotti with the processing kit of the Special Ancillotti cassette. Notice the large 30 mm Dellorto SS carburettor. A curiosity: to facilitate the cold start of the Lambretta developed by Ancillotti, it was enough to plug the carburetor's hole with your hands for a moment or you could use a rag.
Ancillotti elaborated expansion muffler for the Special Ancillotti and Super Special Ancillotti box processing kits. The bulkier dimensions are bigger compared to the original stock mufflers from the Innocenti Company. It could also be ordered from the Ancillotti Company separately from the processing kits.
Saddle for the Lambretta Ancillotti modified with the kits from the box Special Ancillotti and Super Special Ancillotti. There were many orders especially from England and Germany so the Ancillotti Company decided to sell it separately from the processing kits. It had now become a real cult object for all Lambrettists, an object that at a certain point was almost impossible to find. Ancillotti for the Lambrettas had become the maximum expression of sportiness. Compared to the standard saddle supplied by Innocenti, the Ancillotti saddle was sportier and it supported the lowered riding position for this reason it was more captivating and aggressive. The Ancillotti saddle at the time costed 32,500 Italian Lire.
"Che <<Bombe>> le Lambretta-Ancillotti!" A nice report written in the 1966 by Motociclismo magazine (pages 62 and 63) in which various elaborations that the Ancillotti Company of Florence performed on the Lambrettas Innocenti is described in detail and also how well Ancillotti were selling their modification boxes due to the brilliant results in the competitive field and in the modification of the Innocenti scooters.
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